Corn on the cob tastes great any way you cook it, but my absolute favorite is grilling it over hot coals or on a gas grill. Preparation is easy and there is just something special about corn on the cob hot off the grill!
8 ears of corn
1/3 cup butter, melted
seasoned salt, or garlic salt, to taste
Peel back husks on the ears of corn, but DON'T remove; pull out as much of the corn silk as possible; smooth husks back into starting position:)
Soak ears of corn (husks included) in a kettle of water for approximately 2 hours.
Remove from kettle and let drain a few minutes.
Cook over grill for 30 minutes, turning every 5 minutes.
Check corn for tenderness; cook longer if necessary
Just before serving melt the butter with your choice of salt.
Peel back the husks and drizzle butter over.
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